Blending universal design, e-learning, and information and communication technologies.

Thomson, R., Fichten, C., Budd, J., Havel, A. et Asuncion, J. (2015). Blending universal design, e-learning, and information and communication technologies. Dans S. E. Burgstahler (Ed.), Universal design in higher education: From principles to practice (2e ed., pp. 275-284). Harvard Education Press.

College Students Speak Out: Coding Manual for their Teachers’ Use of Computer Technology

King, L., Jorgensen, M., Havel, A., Vitouchanskaia, C. et Lussier, A. (2015). College students speak out: Coding manual for their teachers’ use of computer technology. Réseau de Recherche Adaptech.

Débusquer les besoins [présentation de conference]

Raymond, O. et Tremblay, M. (2015, 20 au 22 mai). Débusquer les besoins [présentation de conference]. Conception Universelle de l’Apprentissage: Perspectives Canadiennes: Semer les Idées, Cultiver le Changement, Soutenir la Croissance, Montréal, QC, Canada.

Employment opportunities for college and university graduates with a learning disability

Jorgensen, M., Nguyen, M. N., Budd, J., Jorgensen, S., Fichten, C. S. et Henderson, T. (2015, 9 mars). Employment opportunities for college and university graduates with a learning disability. Perspectives! The Official Newsletter of the Montreal Centre for Learning Disabilities.