Fichten, C. S., Asuncion, J. et Scapin, R. (2014, novembre). E-Learning and information and communication technologies in postsecondary education of students with disabilities: Where we are and where we’re going. Présentation à la 17e conférence annuelle Accessing Higher Ground: Accessible Media, Web, and Technology, Westminster, Colorado.
Asuncion, J. (2015). Interviewée pour un livre écrit par Hassell, J. (2015). Including your missing 20% by embedding web and mobile accessibility. London: BSI Standards Limited.
Asuncion, J. (2014, décembre). Co-directeur de Accessibility Camp Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Californie
Asuncion, J. (2014, mars). Organisateur de Accessibility Camp Bay Area. Mountain View, Californie
Asuncion, J. (2014, janvier – présent). Fondateur de la rencontre Bay Area Accessibility and Inclusive Design
Asuncion, J. (2014-2015). Juge. Accessibility Internet Rally (OpenAIR), Knowbility. Austin, Texas
Asuncion, J. (2015, janvier). Conférencier invité: Ontario Library and Information Technology Association Division, 2014 Ontario Library Association Super Conference. Toronto, Ontario
Fichten, C. S., Asuncion, J. et Scapin, R. (2014). E-Learning and information and communication technologies in postsecondary education of students with disabilities: Where we are and where we’re going (5 pages). Actes de la 17e annuelle Accessing Higher Ground: Accessible Media, Web & Technology Conference, Westminster, Colorado. Provenant de
Fichten, C. S., Nguyen, M. N., King, L., Barile, M., Havel, A., Mimouni, Z., Chauvin, A., Budd, J., Raymond, O., Juhel, J.-C. et Asuncion, J. (2013). Information and communication technology profiles of college students with learning disabilities and adequate and very poor readers. Journal of Education and Learning, 2(1), 176-188.
Fichten, C. S., Nguyen, M. N., King, L., Barile, M., Havel, A., Mimouni, Z., Chauvin, A., Budd, J., Raymond, O., Juhel, J.-C. et Asuncion, J. (2013). Portrait de l’utilisation des TIC par les collégiens ayant des troubles d’apprentissage, les bons lecteurs et les très faibles lecteurs. Pédagogie collégiale, 26(4), 38-42.