Universal Design in Action!

Havel, A. (2013, novembre). Universal design in action! Présentation au English Steering Committee, Montréal, Québec.

Universal design of instruction (UDI): Curb cuts for the classroom

Havel, A. (2013, avril). Universal design of instruction (UDI): Curb cuts for the classroom. Adult Education and Vocational Services, Commission scolaire English – Montréal, Montréal, Québec.

Universal design of instruction (UDI): Curb cuts for the classroom

Havel, A. (2013, avril). Universal design of instruction (UDI): Curb cuts for the classroom. Conférence de l’Association québécoise des intervenants en formation générale des adultes (AQIFGA), Laval, Québec.

University degree key to success for youth with disabilities

Barile, M., Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, M. et Nguyen, M. N. (2013). University degree key to success for youth with disabilities. Le Futé – Bulletin de la Vie Autonome – Montréal, 9(3), 2-3.