Interaction with Disabled Persons Scale: A comparison between Canada and Australia.

Gething, L., & Fichten, C.S. (1996, août). Interaction with Disabled Persons Scale: A comparison between Canada and Australia. Présentation du XXVI International Congress of Psychology, Montréal, Québec. Résumé dans International Journal of Psychology, 31(3 & 4), 59. (#154.88).

Nondisabled individuals’ reactions toward people with disabilities.

Fichten, C.S. (1996, août). Nondisabled individuals’ reactions toward people with disabilities. Dans D. Dunn & T. Elliott (Co-présidents), Advancing psychosocial theory in disability: The rehabilitation and social-personality psychology interface. Symposium à la convention annuelle de l’Association Américaine de Psychologie, Toronto, Ontario. Résumé dans Rehabilitation Psychology, 1996, 41(2), 166.

Students and their professors: A guide for the college student with a disability.

Fichten, C. S., Goodrick, G., Amsel, R. et Libman, E. (1996). [L’article original et le titre sont en japonais]. Students and their professors: A guide for the college student with a disability. Dans Y. Tomiyasu, R. Komatsu et T. Koyazu (Éds.), Support for university students with disabilities: A new feature of universities (pp. 153-229). Tokyo […]

Teaching college students with disabilities: A guide for professors.

Fichten, C. S., Goodrick, G., Amsel, R. et Libman, E. (1996). [L’article original et le titre sont en japonais]. Teaching college students with disabilities: A guide for professors. Dans Y. Tomiyasu, R. Komatsu et T. Koyazu (Éds.), Support for university students with disabilities: A new feature of universities (pp. 233-323). Tokyo : Keio University Press.