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Jorgensen, S., Ferraro, V., Fichten, C. S. et Havel, A. (2009). Prédire le maintien des étudiants au collège et l’abandon scolaire : sexe et incapacité. Montréal, Canada : Collège Dawson.
Barile, M., Fichten, C. S., Asuncion, J. V. et Ferraro, V. (2009). Suggestions for affordable software and hardware for people with disabilities. Le Futé – Bulletin de la Vie Autonome – Montréal, printemps-été 2009, p. 9.
Ferraro, V., Barile, M., Fichten, C. S. et Jorgensen, S. (2009). Reasons for leaving college and recommendations about what could have been done to prevent this by former Dawson College students: Open-ended questions. Montréal, Canada : Réseau de recherche Adaptech, Collège Dawson.