2005: Articles de magazines, bulletins, rapports, résumés et sites Web

Accessibility and students with disabilities.

Fichten, C. S., Amsel, R., Abrami, P., De Simone, C., Schmid, R., Asuncion, J. V. et Barile, M. (2005). Accessibility and students with disabilities. Rapport annuel 2003-2004 – Centre d’Études sur l’Apprentissage et la Performance (CEAP), 20-21. Montréal : CEAP.
2001: Communications aux conférences avec arbitrage

Access to learning technologies for all: Professors’ role in facilitating retention of students with disabilities.

Asuncion, J., Fichten, C.S., Barile, M., Fossey, M.E., & De Simone, C. (2001, avril). Access to learning technologies for all: Professors’ role in facilitating retention of students with disabilities. Présentation au colloque annuel de l’American Educational Research Association (AERA), Seattle, Washington.
2001: Articles de journaux avec comité de lecture

Technology integration for students with disabilities: Empirically based recommendations for faculty.

Fichten, C. S., Asuncion, J., Barile, M., Généreux, C., Fossey, M., Judd, D., Robillard, C., De Simone, C. et Wells, D. (2001). Technology integration for students with disabilities: Empirically based recommendations for faculty. Educational Research and Evaluation, 7(2-3), 185-221.
2000: Articles de journaux avec comité de lecture

Access to educational and instructional computer technologies for postsecondary students with disabilities: Lessons from three empirical studies.

Fichten, C. S., Asuncion, J., Barile, M., Fossey, M. E. et De Simone, C. (2000). Access to educational and instructional computer technologies for postsecondary students: Lessons from three empirical studies. Journal of Educational Media, 25(3), 179-201.