2016: Tests and Tools / Measures

ICT and College Professor Interviews [Coding manual]

Jorgensen, M., Marcil, E., Budd, J., Havel, A., King, L., & Lussier, A. (2016). ICT and college professor interviews [Coding manual]. Adaptech Research Network. https://adaptech.org/publications/ict-and-college-professor-interviews-coding-manual/
2016: Tests and Tools / Measures

Successful job search strategies of graduates with disabilities [Coding manual]

Jorgensen, M., Marcil, E., Havel, A., Lussier, A., Schaffer, L., & King, L. (2016). Successful job search strategies of graduates with disabilities [Coding Manual]. Adaptech Research Network. https://adaptech.org/publications/successful-job-search-strategies-of-graduates-with-disabilities-coding-manual/
2016: Tests and Tools / Measures

Theory of planned behavior postsecondary graduation questionnaire

Fichten, C. S. (2016). Theory of planned behavior postsecondary graduation questionnaire. Adaptech Research Network. https://adaptech.org/publications/theory-of-planned-behavior-postsecondary-graduation-questionnaire/
2015: Tests and Tools / Measures

College students speak out: Coding manual for their teachers’ use of computer technology

King, L., Jorgensen, M., Havel, A., Vitouchanskaia, C., & Lussier, A. (2015). College students speak out: Coding manual for their teachers’ use of computer technology. Adaptech Research Network. https://adaptech.org/publications/college-students-speak-out-coding-manual-for-their-teachers-use-of-computer-technology/
2015: Tests and Tools / Measures

Interview questions for teachers: interviewer version

Adaptech Research Network. (2015). Interview questions for teachers: Interviewer version. https://adaptech.org/publications/interview-questions-for-teachers-interviewer-version/
2015: Tests and Tools / Measures

Computer technology checklist teachers

Adaptech Research Network. (2015). Computer technology checklist teachers. https://adaptech.org/publications/computer-technology-checklist-teachers/
2015: Tests and Tools / Measures

E-learning questionnaire

Adaptech Research Network. (2015). E-learning questionnaire. https://adaptech.org/publications/e-learning-questionnaire/
2010: Tests and Tools / Measures

The POSITIVES Scale – English version

Fichten, C. S., Asuncion, J. V., Nguyen, M. N., Budd, J., & Amsel, R. (2010). The POSITIVES Scale – English version. PsycTESTS. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/t09134-000 and from http://psycnet.apa.org.proxy3.library.mcgill.ca/tests/9999-09134-000.pdf and from http://psycnet.apa.org.proxy3.library.mcgill.ca/index.cfm?fa=search.displayTestOverview&id=&resultID=&page=1&dbTab=&uid=9999-09134-000&isMyList=0&doi=false